Freitag, 6. November 2015

make up und HA 11

tthe following make ups are mandatory for those of you who scored less than 60% on the particular component. they are optional for everybody else

1a (die Zahlen)
1b (Meine Tante Hilde)
1c (Konjugation, Pronomen, Ländernamen) 
1d (X ist ein guter Mann)
1e (Berufe)

HA 11

you might want to learn more about the different learning styles.

The Visual-Spatial
The Aural-Auditory-Musical
The Verbal-Linguistic
The Physical-Bodily-Kinesthetic
The Logical (Mathematical)
The Social (Interpersonal)
The Solitary (Intrapersonal)

HA 12

is optional - you may do all or any of the following 


Ehemann husband, Ehefrau wife

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